
Molly Grace James

A Life Well Lived…



Want to Live Longer? Cook at Home

We take vitamins, work out and generally practice healthy habits in the quest for living well. And hopefully longer, too. Longevity and health it seems go hand in hand.

After reading a blurb in Women’s Health Magazine stating – “People who cook 5+ times/week are 53% more likely to be alive in 10 years than people who don’t cook” – I had to check it out.


They were referencing a study published in Public Health Nutrition, a Cambridge University journal. A group  of 1,888 men and women over age 65 who lived in Taiwan were evaluated during the course of the study.

At the start of the study, they interviewed each participant about several lifestyle factors, including cooking habits, household circumstances, shopping habits, diet, education, transportation and smoking.

food choices

During the initial survey, researchers found that 43 percent of participants never cooked. Another 17 percent cooked one to two times per week and 9 percent cooked three to five times in a week. Nearly 31 percent cooked five or more times a week.

Ultimately, the researchers found an association between frequent home cooking and longevity.

“The pathways to health that food provides are not limited to its nutrients or components, but extend to each step in the food chain, from its production, to purchase, preparation and eating, especially with others.”


The secret is linked to the act of purchasing and preparing the foods, not simply the nutritional benefits of those foods, as well as  the communal element of a shared meal.

Cooking at home takes time and prep work, but it just might add years to your life!


Huffington Post: Healthy Living

Cambridge University’s: Public Health Nutrition

Grapefruit: Not Just Another Delicious Sub-tropic Fruit

A Common Sense Breakthrough

Lead researcher, Huang-Ge Zhang, D.V.M., Ph.D.  started doing research by using a common sense approach. He considered how our ancestors selected food to eat.

“The fruits and vegetables we buy from the grocery today were passed down from generation to generation as favorable and nutritious for the human body.”

On the flip side, outcomes were not favorable for our ancestors who ate poisonous mushrooms, for example, Zhang added.

“It made sense for us to consider eatable plants as a mechanism to create medical nanoparticles as a potential non-toxic therapeutic delivery vehicle.”


Scientists have found that grapefruits may revolutionize how medical therapies like anti-cancer drugs are delivered to specific tumor cells.

“These nanoparticles, which we’ve named grapefruit-derived nanovectors (GNVs), are derived from an edible plant, and we believe they are less toxic for patients, result in less biohazardous waste for the environment, and are much cheaper to produce at large scale than nanoparticles made from synthetic materials.”

– Huang-Ge Zhang, D.V.M., Ph.D.


It is exciting to see a breakthrough of this type using natural substances. In the coming years, it will be interesting to see the real-life implications. Thanks to science and a delicious sub-tropic citrus!

References: University of Louisville (2013, May 21). Delivery of therapeutic agents by nanoparticles made of grapefruit-derived lipids. Nature Communications, 2013; DOI:10.1038/ncomms2886

Clean Living Could Save Your Life

Proponents of a healthy diet claim that “super-foods” can prevent a wide variety of diseases. Mayo Clinic, the not-for-profit medical practice and medical research group, supports this view.  Particularly as it pertains to disease prevention by adding fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains while limiting unhealthy fats to your

Heart Disease:
Fruits and vegetables are good sources of vitamins and minerals and are low in calories and rich in dietary fiber. Vegetables and fruits contain substances found in plants that may help prevent cardiovascular disease. ­Whole grains are good sources of fiber and other nutrients that play a role in regulating blood pressure and heart health.


Cancer Prevention:
Mayo also advises cessation of smoking, limiting consumption of alcohol to aid in the prevention of some cancers.   Their recommendations also include adding fruits, vegetables while limiting high-fat foods (think processed fast foods).


Rather than a restrictive diet, a diabetes diet known as medical nutrition therapy (MNT)  is a healthy-eating plan. It is rich in nutrients and low in fat and calories, with an emphasis on fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Mayo’s research found: a diabetes diet is the best eating plan for most everyone.


While this sounds like common sense and physical activity is also a component:  do you believe that diet can have a major impact on health?

References:  Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER)

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